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Explaining the "Sleep Plan"

Part of my sleep consultant services provides clients with a custom sleep plan and a lot of parents ask me "so what exactly is a sleep plan"? A sleep plan very simply put is a step by step guide for parents to follow in order to improve their child’s sleep issues! It is all encompassing...taking into account every concern, health issue, developmental stage, family schedule, and most importantly the parents goals for sleep. Sleep plan details how each change should be made and why this is going to help meet the goals that you want for your child's sleep. It has a custom schedule and various sleep training methods based on the child’s temperament and the parent's preferences. In addition, it also covers what to expect at certain milestones and regressions coming down the road.

A sleep plan very simply put is a step by step guide for parents to follow in order to improve their child’s sleep issues!

I take a very holistic view as a sleep consultant. Piecing together every aspect of a child and their environment before making a plan for that family. I need to know the child’s current habits, temperament, how they are being put to sleep, where they are being put to sleep, what their environment looks like, and what parents are doing to address the issues. After an initial conversation in which I assess the parents' concerns about their child’s sleep, parents also complete an in depth intake form which includes health information and details about their current sleep issues and goals.

Taking all this information into account is how the plan is truly custom! Children are unique and parenting styles are deeply personal. Each sleep plan addresses what's playing in their favor and what problems are causing the sleep issues and THEN HOW TO FIX THEM! Step by step.

...the plan is truly custom! Children are unique and parenting styles are deeply personal.

That's where an adjusted schedule and sleep training techniques come into play. The schedule meets the appropriate feeding, wake windows, and hours of sleep the child needs. But it's also built around the families' work and school schedules...for example what time are parents going off to work determines when the day starts with the first feeding or breakfast.

Then there's the elephant in the room: sleep training! Sleep training is a method used by parents to help their infants and toddlers develop healthy sleep habits. It involves teaching your child to fall asleep independently and to stay asleep through the night. While sleep training can be challenging, it often results in better sleep for both the child and the parents.

Sleep training is a method used by parents to help their infants and toddlers develop healthy sleep habits.

Different training technique options are given to parents based on their preference for being able to comfort more often or let their child sleep train more independently. Sleep training is a personal choice and what works for one family may not work for another. Every step on how to effectively sleep train and proceed through each method is included in the sleep plan AND I coach parents along the way!

The goal is to help your child develop healthy sleep habits that will benefit them throughout their life. By understanding the different methods and finding one that aligns with your parenting style and your child’s needs, you can make the process smoother and more successful. Remember, a well-rested family is a happier and healthier one.

As mentioned, sleep training methods are not the only piece to getting babies and older children to sleep well. So many factors play into a child’s ability to sleep! Which is why a guide and coach are so necessary for sleep deprived parents.

The Blueprint: A"Sleep Plan" is a holistic guide to improving each factor affecting their child's sleep and teaching them healthy, independent sleep habits!

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