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Sickness & Sleep

It seemed timely that I write about sickness & sleep as the kids are all back in daycare, preschool, or elementary school on a full-time, regular basis. School and germs go together like peanut butter & jelly, Minnie & Mickey, or lock & key. It’s just where kids are touching everything and everybody, putting things in their mouth, and sneezing or coughing without much awareness of where they are spreading their germs. Noses are being picked and toys are being shared. Teachers often do a great job of promoting coughing into their elbows and sanitizing what they can, but it’s inevitable. Your little one will catch a lot of viruses from school. They are building their immune systems which is a great thing, but being sick can set things like sleep back a bit.

They are building their immune systems which is a great thing, but being sick can set things like sleep back a bit.

So, how do you respond when your little one is up in the middle of the night coughing or waking early from naps due to a runny nose or cough? How do you keep sleep on track during sickness? You respond with compassion, comfort, meet their needs, and do not introduce any new sleep associations. Extra cuddles, hugs, back rubs, and holding them are necessary during times like this! Check on them and help them when needed. Accept the shorter naps and night wakings as part of the sickness. This too shall pass, and any sleep training that is being done during this time should be paused.

However, sickness does not mean your little one should be sleeping on you, in your bed, or falling asleep with you. Stick to your normal routine and sleep environments. Independent sleep is better quality sleep, which will ultimately help them feel better at a faster rate. Always put your child to bed awake, even if that means you need to stay with them a bit, rubbing their back and comforting them.

Extra cuddles, hugs, back rubs and holding them are necessary during times like this! However, independent sleep is better quality sleep.

One product I highly recommend using when your child is sick is a humidifier! The minute that cough starts or nose starts to run, put a humidifier in their room to run all night and during naps. This moist air will help loosen up congestion and help them breathe easier, which will definitely improve sleep! Other recommendations should come from your pediatrician, but know that fevers should always be checked out by your doctor and common cold symptoms can last up to 2 weeks.

There are some ways to prevent getting sick! Your # 1 prevention tool is SLEEP! Ensuring that your child is getting enough hours of sleep in a 24-hour period is the absolute best way to keep their immune systems strong and prevent sickness. That means an average of 11 hours at night for elementary school kids, about 13 hours for ages 1.5-5 years, and around 15 hours for children under the age of 1 year.

The key to preventing sickness is to ensure getting enough sleep which keeps their immune systems strong.

Other tips are to make sure that when you pick them up from school, sanitize their hands and wash their hands with soap and water as soon as possible. This is something you need to be somewhat obsessive about with zero wiggle room. When they enter your home, there is no "pass go and collect $200" on this one. They should head straight to the sink to wash their hands. Sometimes it’s also a good idea to change clothes and wash bedding or lovies more frequently. Other tips (which you are probably already aware of) include taking multivitamins, ensuring they drink lots of water, lemon water if possible, and eating foods packed with vitamin C like strawberries, oranges, blueberries, kiwi, red peppers, and mango.

The Blueprint: Treat your child with extra compassion when they are sick, but do not introduce new sleep habits. Prevent sickness with enough sleep, a humidifier, washing hands, and vitamin c!

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